Friday, January 9, 2009

Confidence Workshop

There is no element more critical to your success than your self-image. Build it, reinforce it, and guard it with your life.

Confidence is perhaps thee key ingredient to success.
Confidence is more than believing you are capable of succeeding. Real Confidence is knowing that you WILL succeed. Even knowing you will succeed.

At first don’t worry at all about being over confident, well take care of that when the time comes. Right now it’s not part of the equation.

Psychology studies show (1) Confidence and Anxiety have an inverse relationship. (2) Confidence and success have a direct positive relationship.

Confident athletes-perform more successfully
-spend more time on priorities
-take more calculated risks increasing success chances
-use better game strategy
-are more resilient

Act As If
(Fake it till you make it. Better yet- Fake it till you feel it.)

- you may think you’re not confident, and that’s ok for now. You just need to act confident.

Can you be happy right now? Maybe, maybe not.
Can you think happy thoughts? Maybe, maybe not.
Can you smile? Yes, of course.
Our thoughts may be difficult to control, but we can almost always control our actions.
Behavior leads to changes in thought. Studies show we smile because we’re happy and we’re happy because we smile. Behavior and thought reinforce each other.

So ACT confident to FEEL confident

What do you look like when you’re most confident?
IF you haven’t been confident, how would you look?
What did you look the last time you were extremely confident?
How did that make you feel?
Don’t you want to feel that again?

Anchoring for success

Behavioral Psychology- Pavlov’s Dog
A neuroassociation is formed. These neuroassociations happen all the time. It’s the mind’s way of putting things together to make sense of the world. Through associations we remember pleasure and pain (our two greatest driving forces). We move toward that which was pleasurable and away from that which was painful. Pleasure breeds desire, pain breeds fear. FEAR is usually False, Evidence, Appears, Real. You're Born with only 2 Fears- heights and loud noises, that’s it! The rest is learned. And if something can be learned-it can be unlearned. Just something to keep in mind.

Come up with an anchor, process cue, or trigger- a word, a symbol, or a song. Example- Brands mat slap. Well use this from now on. Incorporate something from your picture of confidence as a reminder, ie. Ali shuffle.
Note-who cares what it looks like, this is for you

Take your most confidence self and multiply it by 10. That’s your new confident self. (Anchor)
Get a vivid picture of you extremely confident x10 and remember it. Hammer that image into your mind. Revisit it daily, and especially when feeling anxious or doubtful and use your anchor.


For small guys: think of Cruise, Pacino, and Stallone who command respect and are just as Alpha as anyone.

Know the look!

Alpha Male Qualities-
-Open Body Language (uncrossed, hands out of your pockets)
-Take up space
-Smile when you enter a room
-Speak loud, clear, and deliberate.
-move briskly and with a purpose
-head up looking slightly above the horizon
-When standing still have your hands on your hips

It’s better to be overconfident than under-confident.
Don’t worry about appearing pompous or arrogant at first.
Almost all successful people have big egos.
Can you think of any example?
An ego is a good thing when used to promote self-confidence, resist peer pressure, bouncing back from setbacks, and overcoming the odds.

Exercises to Improve Confidence

*List your 10 greatest accomplishments in the specific area.
If there aren’t 10 in that area, then include life to show yourself you are good at things you put your mind to. You have succeeded before and it will come again.

*Make a highlight reel if you can, and play it twice a week.

*Make a list of your greatest attributes both physical and mental in your area. If none in your area then use everything else.

*Watch video on successful people in your area preferably on your specialization ie. Smith low single, Ted Williams Swing. Use Youtube if you need to. This will remind you that your technique has proven effective, and you will succeed when you execute correctly.

Theory- Stockpile small successes

(1) Avoid long shots for now. Take on smaller challenges to experience success more.
(2) Take Right Actions. Focus on Fundamentals AND do all the little things you know that you should do but may have gotten lazy about ie. stretch before practice, proper diet and sleep

Reframing-the only way to feel failure is to believe you failed. Change your rules on what success and failure means to you. Make success and failure process oriented rather than outcome oriented. Make it hard to fail and easy to succeed through these new definitions.
Write 3 new ways to measure failure and success.

Another Exercise- Help one person each week become more confident. If you help someone become confident, you will learn how to teach yourself to be confident.

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