Monday, July 18, 2011

MIndset Monday 7/18/11- World Cup Lesson

My soccer experience is limited to my recreation play from Kindergarten to 2nd grade. I did not watch the women’s World Cup until overtime. Shame on me! There is a lesson to be learned in the closing minutes of the game.

I do know a thing or two about performance success and body language.
In the last few minutes of the game and the penalty kicks, I noticed a drastic difference between the body language of the American and Japanese goalies. I wonder if you caught it too.

I saw the American goalie get hurt, so we cannot hold this against her. Still, her body language was not the same as the Japanese goalie. I know, I know momentum was shifting toward Japan with a late goal, but there is still a lesson to be learned.

Before the penalty kicks I saw one goalie running around giving her teammates high fives. She was energetic and enthusiastic. I saw the other goalie sitting on the ground, almost sprawled out before the biggest penalty kick of her life. (Note- I take nothing away from this tremendous athlete who is certainly one of the best in the world at what she does, but remember, everyone makes mistakes, everyone is human).

Again, I know that an injury may have been present and when both goalies took the net, they each looked focused. But moments just prior to competition are crucial to your success.

Even if you are feeling down, you must act as if you were up. The difference between success and failure at a high level is so small that you need every little advantage you can get.

You cannot afford to be down, so you must practice being mentally up. You must practice acting as if you were up so you can call upon this mindset when it matters most.
You must train your brain similarly to the way you train your body. You must include adversity training in your repertoire of practice in sport and life. Practice acting awake when you are tired. Practice acting motivated when you are dragging or feeling lazy. You may be surprised to find that when you act a certain way, you begin to feel that way. We have studies that back this up.

Look alive! Feel great! Go for the gold. Both teams were champions yesterday. And both goalies are people to aspire to be like. Just make sure you learn the lesson here.

Gene Zannetti
Peak Performance Specialist

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mindset Monday 7/4/11- Success Algebra

Success Algebra

F = MA
E= MC^2
K – A = 0

Wait, what was that last one? K – A = 0. Knowledge minus Action equals Zero. In other words, if you know what to do, but do not do what you know, nothing happens.
Most people know what to do to achieve success. The secrets are simple, but they are not easy. Most of us know what to do, but for one reason or another, we just do not do it.

But, knowledge is not the same thing as wisdom. Wisdom is DOING IT. I know a lot of very “knowledgeable” who cannot seem to get the job done themselves. Maybe you are one of them. Maybe I am one of them in some areas. We must strive for wisdom. Practicing what we preach. This is an ongoing every day battle. This is not a level you ever arrive at, but rather something you choose to do on a regular basis, and them something you choose to do again tomorrow, and then the next day, and the next one, and…you get the point.

Often times we hear good advice and we respond (or say to ourselves) “I already know that.” But the real question we should be asking ourselves is, “How well do I apply this information?” Usually, the answer to this question will be- not as well as I could.

Use my lessons on pleasure and pain in the previous weeks blogs and get to the bottom of this inside yourself. Mastering your mindset is the way you will finally Jump Levels. But, then again, you already knew that.

Gene Zannetti
Peak Performance Specialist
One-on-One Consultation and Motivational Speaking
(908) 337-6143
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