Monday, April 25, 2011

Mindset Monday 4/25/11- Mental Reps for Success

Mental Reps for Success

David DeNotaris, a well renowned motivational speaker, always spoke of the importance of positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are short utterances we repeat to ourselves on a regular basis. They are like mental reps to build mental muscle. Some of his favorites were:

“I’m alert, I’m alive, I feel great!”
“I’m happy, I’m healthy, I feel terrific!”
“I’m getting better and better every day in every way!”
“I like myself, I like myself, I like myself, I like myself!”

It sounds ridiculously hilarious (or maybe hilariously ridiculous) at first, but the truth is that positive affirmations are a great way to train your brain.
You may never in your life use the above positive affirmations. The secret is to come up with positive affirmations that are suitable to YOU and YOUR particular goals.

The best example is Muhammad Ali- does the phrase, “I am the greatest” ring a bell?
Advertisements, movies, and songs implant ideas into your head all the time. Think about it…

“Frosted Flakes- theyre grrrrreat”
“Pokemon- gotta catch em all”
“Run Forest Run”

The more times you implant a phrase into your head, the more your unconscious mind will accept it as fact. Have you ever heard someone say, “He believes his own BS?” Are there any childhood stories that you tell where you deep down thin, “did this even happen?” When you tell a story over and over, you start to believe it is true. This is the same thing that happens with positive affirmations.

If you want to build confidence, tell yourself- “On a good day no one can beat me, on a bad day no one can beat me.”
If you want to stop worrying about other people’s judgments, tell yourself- “I compete for myself, I don’t care what anyone else thinks of me.”

Whatever thought you would like to have more regularly, write a quick sentence that you can personally relate to, then repeat it all the time.

As any weightlifter will tell you, you cannot begin training the day before a competition. You cannot expect to do bicep curls once and have arms like Arnold. Likewise, do not expect to repeat an affirmation to yourself once and feel any result. You must literally train your brain. You must not just repeat your affirmations to yourself, you must hammer them into your head. Beat the saying into your mind (figuratively, of course). Make the affirmation your own personal mantra. Repeat your affirmations many times throughout the day. Do this regularly and you will find that what you repeatedly tell yourself, you become.

Gene Zannetti
Peak Performance Specialist
One-on-One Consultation and Motivational Speaking
(908) 337-6143
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