Monday, March 14, 2011

Mindset Monday- 3/14/11- The Drug To Take To Achieve Your Goal

If I offered you a drug, with no side effects, that could help you achieve your goal, would you take it? This is a one question IQ test. Of course you would. I can give you this drug, but you must first be willing to take it.

What if I told you that you already know what this drug is, but you misunderstand it? And that is why you are not the getting results you want.
The drug is very simple: Motivation.

Ok, so you probably need a pep talk right? Wrong. When most people hear the word motivation they think of pep talks and yelling coaches. Don’t worry it’s not your fault. You have been fed this information since you were young. It’s Hollywood. You watch a sports movie and see a coach give a passionate speech before a big game, and then you see the team go out and win. Not only is this a poor coaching strategy (more on this at a later time) but it is NOT motivation.

The root word in motivation is motive. What is your motive or reason for action or inaction? Motivation is the INTERNAL (within) force that drives or compels you to not act or to act in a certain way.

Motivation is intimately linked to 2 principles (1) AVOID PAIN (2) GAIN PLEASURE.
All of human behavior boils down to these two principles.

If you want the drug that will get you get you to your goals, you absolutely must understand YOURSELF and how you relate to PAIN and PLEASURE.]

Over the next few weeks, you will learn to make principle of motivation work as your slave, so you can gain control of your life and live your dreams.
Stay with me..

If you are interested in personal consultation or have a topic you would like me to feature on Mindset Monday, please email me at

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