There is no factor more crucial to your Success than our Self-Confidence.
To be successful, you must truly believe that you are capable of achieving that which you are attempting. Technique and skills are important, but they are nothing if you perform them half heartedly. The main reason people do not perform technique and skills at 100% is because they deep down do not believe that it will work. They have some doubt that they will achieve what they are trying. When you take a shot in wrestling, expect to get the leg. When you swing a bat, expect to hit the ball. When you throw a block, expect the other guy to go down.
We have all heard these little pieces of advice. But as always, do not say to yourself, "I already know this.” Instead, ask yourself, “how well do I apply this?”
Here is how you build Unstoppable Confidence:
*Make a long list of your successes and positive attributes both on and off the field of play. On one side of the paper, write your sport and everything you have ever accomplished, great performances, and positive attributes you possess. They key here is to pick out every little thing. Do not hold back. Write even little things. On the other side of the paper write Life and make another list of accomplishments, achievements, and positive attributes. Stock pile even small successes. Read this paper once a day for a few months, then continue to revisit it once or twice a week. You want to ingrain this list in your mind, so when you step into a situation where you have doubts, you can very easily call to mind reasons why you can succeed and overcome the doubt. It will be difficult to overcome doubt in the moment without a plan. So it is important you hammer this list into your mind so you will be well equipped to handle doubt.
*Write out reasons why you will succeed in your goal. Or imagine that you already accomplished your goal. Write out reasons why you accomplished it. This type of thinking gives your mind a shift in focus. You go from looking at your goal as a dream, to now looking at your goal as a real possibility. Why are your skills good enough to win? Has anyone very successful used the same skills to win? Are their people who are similar to you who have achieved the same thing you want? These are all reasons why you can succeed.
*Forget about being realistic. Most psychologists and philosophers dispute what realism even means and how perspective is very subjective (see post-modernism). I think most people use it as a cop out- an excuse if you lose. Live in your own reality. The 90/10 rule in economics and success is that 10% of the people control 90% of the money. This is sad but true about success too. Think like the 10% of the people who succeed, not like the 90% of people who do not. Read biographies of success stories. Talk to these people when you are making decisions. Take successful people out to lunch and pick their brains. I guarantee you they do not think like the 90% of the people you hang out with. Would you rather a safety in numbers being with the 90% so you have a good excuse if you lose? Or do you want to join the company of champions? The choice is yours. Throw “realism” out the window. Make a list of what you believe or what you would need to believe to be a success and read this list everyday along with your accomplishment list. Live in your own reality.
Gene Zannetti
Peak Performance Specialist
One-on-One Consultation and Motivational Speaking
(908) 337-6143
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Monday, October 4, 2010
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