Monday, August 2, 2010

Mindset Monday 8/2/10- Power of Symbols

The Power of Symbols
Psychologists have long known the importance of the Unconscious Mind in goal directed behavior. The mind contains a Conscious and Unconscious component. The conscious mind are the thoughts we choose to have, or deliberate thoughts we think. It responds to words, phrases, and sentences. The unconscious mind contains thoughts that occur below our awareness. It responded to repeat exposure of a particular stimuli, music, and feelings. For example, when we see a few McDonalds commercials on TV and then later that day we wonder why we are having an unbearable craving for McDonalds. While we thought we were not paying attention to TV, and we could not recall consciously what commercials were going on in between our favorite show, the REPEATED MESSAGE was detected and registered in our Unconscious Mind. Our goal directed behavior (deciding to go to Mickey D’s) was heavily influenced by our unconscious mind, and we didn’t even realize it.

Our Unconscious Mind is responsible for our goal directed behavior because it registers all of our imagination, dreams, fears, and insecurities even if we consciously try to suppress them. This is the reason self-sabotaging occurs- we come close to a goal that we feel we deep down do not deserve to achieve, so we do something to blow it for ourselves at the very last minute. This is not uncommon, it happens to all of us sometimes. It is first necessary to recognize this self-sabotaging which is synonymous with approach-avoidance, that goes on inside ourselves, And step 2 is to take control of our Unconscious Mind.

We take control of our Unconscious Mind by using the Repeat Exposure of Symbols- a person, super hero, animal, symbol, object, or created image. We need to know what task we wish to perform ie. throwing a ball as fast as you can, and then choose some symbol that we can personally relate to (everyone’s will probably be a little different). Perhaps one person would envision the Human Torch throwing a ball of fire right before performing the throw. Maybe a sprinter would picture a Gazelle running fast and smooth immediately before a competition. A wrestler in the bottom position may picture a bull seeing red right before the whistle blows. The symbol would then take control of the mind as opposed to a thought or self-criticism.
You can maximize the use of symbols by repeat exposure- thinking of your symbol EVERY TIME, including practice, before you perform the desired action. Also, be sure to see my previous blog on ANCHORING. Your best bet would be to choose a symbol and then an accompanied ANCHOR or PROCESS CUE. Pairing your Symbol and Process Cue would be a double whammy for your mind and would be extremely helpful in making the mental connection. Your Anchor should go with your symbol. An example of this would be a sprinter, before a race, imagining a Gazelle (Symbol) and then doing a Gazelle like hop in the air (Process Cue). Do this every time before you sprint, and you will see both mental clarity and supreme confidence. If you are not a sprinter, apply this concept to your sport.

Gene Zannetti
Peak Performance Specialist
One-on-One Consultation and Motivational Speaking
(908) 337-6143
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