The Individual Meetings should be done one on one or with multiple coaches-never multiple athletes.
This will take some time, but I assure you that this meeting will save you A LOT of time in the long run. It is crucial that the coach and athlete are on the same page. This meeting is a great place to set the tempo for the upcoming season. If coaches communicate this message, the athlete will surely feel more involved in the decision making process. This sense of empowerment will increase obedience in athletes and encourage openness when an issue comes up. In short, the coach-athlete relationship will grow.
Remember- A person always tries harder for someone he likes, admires, and knows is out for his best interest.
The Meeting:
The first thing you need to stress is the importance of COMMUNICATION. This will require a partnership between coaches and each individual wrestler. Any problems, issues, or concerns need to be voiced. There's a time and a place to do this (preferably after practice, in private). Coaches need to be aware of what each athletes situation is in order to have a better understanding of the athlete. This will allow the coach to deal more effectively with the athlete.
Assure them that you've been in their shoes before as a high school student-athlete and you are there for them if they need guidance or direction or advice. You realize the challenges they will face and are their to help them along the way. This will gain you more respect in their eyes.
Remind them that SCHOOL is the top priority, not the sport. If the athlete has poor grades, he will be ineligible to compete. We do not only want you to compete, but graduate and go on to college.
Next- Let the athlete's know expectations you have for them as an athlete and as a team.
After that, their are 4 major issues the coach must cover.
(1) Weight Class
Know the athletes current weight and remind them that they are growing boys so the top priority is always health. Also that we expect each athlete to come into the practice room with high and positive energy. You need to be at a weight class that permits you to compete at 100% and enter practices with goals of improving technique and fitness, NOT goals of weight loss. Keep in mind, this weight needs to be maintained for 4 months by a growing boys (a 2lb weight allowance will not always suffice). If these conditions aren't met, the weight loss should not be permitted.
Make sure to take a multi-vitamin everyday.
The weight class of each athlete is determined by the athlete and the coach. Once a commitment is made, the athlete is responsible for this weight class, as this is the team part of the sport. This weight class is the athlete's commitment to his team.
All weight issues should be discussed with the coach, as far in advance as possible, DO Not wait until the last minute.
(2) Handling Critique
Ask each athlete how they like to be addressed after they make a mistake ie. blunt, no sugarcoating; positive but firm; very delicately; etc. etc.
This is important because in order to improve, you will need feedback. We want to provide this feedback in the most constructive way possible for each INDIVIDUAL.
Not everyone deals with criticism the same.
Know the individual.
(3)Pre-Match Mindset
Ask how each athlete likes to be addressed before a match. Do you perform best when fired up, yelled at, slapped in the face etc. OR in a relaxed-have fun, do your thing etc. OR somewhere in between OR something else.
We need to find your optimal point pre-match demeanor and as coaches help you get there.
Again every individual is different. You must get to know each athlete for his preference.
(4) Goal Setting
See my blog on goals.
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"Men, we gotta communicate." I think team leadership is another thing that needs to be discussed. ie Where do you as a wrestler fit on the team?